July 2024 Home Gym of the Month

July Home Gym of the Month Winner: Frank Lloyd Gabis

The winner for July 2024 is Frank Lloyd Gabis from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

IG: @frank.gabis

Why did you start your own home gym?

I started my home gym during Covid. I was really out of shape and staying indoors all the time wasn't doing me any favours.

What are your current fitness goals?

My current fitness goals are to build more muscle and to lean out. Ideally I'd be around 72-74kg bodyweight and the same or higher strength than I am right now at 78kg body weight.

What program are you following?

I have a coach who programs for Olympic weightlifting/powerlifting called Austin Van Dam in Calgary who does all my programming for me. Shout out to @vandamperformance!

What BoS equipment do you own?


I own the Bells of Steel Light commercial rack, power bar, olympic weightlifting barBells of Steel KG Competition Bumpers, and dip bar along with various other smaller attachments from the company.

What's next on your wish list?

The Bells of Steel All-in-One Trainer to replace my Light Commercial rack. When I bought the Light Commercial a few years ago, the All in One Trainer wasn't yet offered. I can't wait 'til I can buy it and be able to do all the cable exercises I've been missing.

What is your favourite fitness hack?

Work on cardio to stay fit and healthy, don't just lift weights. Also, Crossfit isn't as silly as some people on the internet make it out to be


If you’d like to have your Bells of Steel gym featured, be sure to share and tag us on Instagram, or leave a review on our website with a picture/video for your chance to be featured and get yourself a $100 gift certificate to boot.

Or, if you’re still on the fence about building your dream gym or have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts are ready for any question, no matter how simple or complicated.

Build Your Own Home Gym Now!