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How To Hang Gymnastic Rings

How To Hang Gymnastic Rings

If you're serious about leveling up your fitness game, gymnastic rings are where it's at. 

But before you start knocking out muscle-ups and ring dips, you’ve got to figure out how to hang them. Whether you’re hanging them indoors or outdoors, choosing the right spot to hang your gymnastic rings makes all the difference. 

In this guide, we’ll break down the most popular methods for hanging gymnastic rings, complete with the benefits and potential drawbacks of each. Let’s get started!

How To Hang Gymnastic Rings Indoors

Whether you live in a house or apartment, here are the many ways to hang gymnastic rings inside your home.

Hanging Rings From Ceiling Joists

This is one of the most solid and dependable ways to hang your gymnastic rings indoors, especially in a garage or basement. This could be your go-to setup if you’re not afraid to break out the power tools.

Benefit: You get a rock-solid setup, perfect for intense workouts. Once installed, it's as permanent and sturdy as it gets.

Drawback: Drilling into the ceiling might not be ideal if you’re renting or not handy with tools. And if you’re renting, there’s always that nagging thought of, "Will I get my security deposit back?"

Hanging Rings From a Power Rack/Squat Stand Pull-Up Bar

If you’ve got a power rack in your home gym, you’re in luck. Hanging gymnastic rings from the pull-up bar on your rack is easy, and it offers a lot of flexibility. 

Benefit: No drilling or permanent fixtures! The height is adjustable, and you can switch between exercises with ease.

Drawback: Power racks take up a decent amount of space. If your gym area is tight, it could feel like you’re maneuvering in a game of Tetris — consider a squat stand instead!

Hanging Rings From a Wall-Mounted Pull-Up Bar

A wall-mounted pull-up bar is a great alternative if you don’t have room for a power rack but still want a sturdy indoor option. It's straightforward and typically requires less space.

Benefit: You’ll save floor space and still get a reliable spot to hang your rings. Plus, it doubles as a pull-up station.

Drawback: You’re still drilling into walls. So again, renters beware—unless your landlord is a fitness enthusiast too.

How To Hang Gymnastic Rings Outdoors

For a step-by-step guide of each method below, check out our article How To Hang Gymnastic Rings Outdoors.

Hanging Rings From Solid Metal Railings

If you live in an apartment and don’t have room indoors, solid metal railings—like those around stairwells or balconies—are a surprising (but awesome) place to hang your rings.

Benefit: It’s quick, easy, and you can get your workout on with a city skyline as your backdrop.

Drawback: Not all railings are created equal. You’ll want to make sure it’s solid and securely bolted down, or else you’ll go from muscle-ups to a dramatic fall.

Hanging Rings From Pergolas or Carports

Got access to a courtyard with a pergola or carport? These sturdy structures can double as the perfect spot for hanging your rings, especially if you're after some fresh air during your workout.

Benefit: Working out in the open air is always refreshing, and these structures tend to be pretty sturdy.

Drawback: You’ll need to check weight limits or ask your building maintenance if it can handle the extra stress. Trust us—you don’t want to be “that neighbor.”

Hanging Rings From Concrete Beams

This one’s for those who like to fly under the radar. Parking garages often have solid concrete beams, and they’re built to support heavy loads. Perfect for your workout, right?

Benefit: These beams are usually super strong, meaning no worrying about stability.

Drawback: It’s not exactly a scenic spot. Plus, you might have to dodge cars, and the acoustics of a parking garage make every grunt echo.

Hanging Rings From Playground Monkey Bars

If your apartment complex has a playground, monkey bars can serve as a great alternative for hanging gymnastic rings. Early morning workouts might even give you the place to yourself.

Benefit: It’s free and readily available, with perfect overhead support.

Drawback: Timing is everything. If the playground’s busy with kids, you might have to wait your turn—or face some curious stares.

Final Thoughts 

Choosing how and where to hang your gymnastic rings depends on your space, goals, and how much you value your security deposit. If you’ve got the freedom to drill into joists or wall studs, go for it! 

For more temporary or shared spaces, power racks, railings, and even playgrounds can work just as well.

No matter what method you choose, the key is making sure it’s safe, secure, and suits your workout style. Gymnastic rings are all about versatility—so get creative with where and how you hang them!

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