December 2023 Home Gym of the Month

December 2023 Home Gym of the Month

December Home Gym of the Month winner:

Travess Smith

The winner for December 2023 is Travess Smith from Montague, Michigan, US.

IG: @travesssmith

Why did you start your own home gym?

I started my home gym to be able to maximize my time as I’m a gym dad and training for powerlifting. Plus, my daughter can now join me and thus have quality time and positive influence.

december bells of steel home gym of the month

What are your current fitness goals?

My current fitness goals are to get stronger and better as a powerlifter. Qualify for USAPL Nationals.

What program are you following?

I have been blessed with a coach @joshpowerlifting who trained me for my first meet as one of his first two chosen clients giving 6 months of coaching without charge. We have work to do in this off-season and meet prep.

What BoS equipment do you own?

bells of steel home gym hydra rack

I happily own a 3x3 Collegiate Hydra rack personalized for my powerlifting focus. Monolift J-hooks and safety straps for bench press. Sandwich j-hooks and Spotter Arms for squats. Plate storage, band pegs.

Love the Hydra design as it was very well thought out. I purchased also the BOS selectorized cable tower. Superb quality and love it. More attachments and a Powerlifting bar!

What's next on your wish list?

Next on my wishlist is a second cable tower to join and make more versatile. Perhaps…

What is your favorite Fitness hack?

Prepare beforehand.

If you’d like to have your Bells of Steel gym featured, be sure to share and tag us on Instagram, or leave a review on our website with a picture/video for your chance to be featured and get yourself a $100 gift certificate to boot. 

Or, if you’re still on the fence about building your dream gym or have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts are ready for any question, no matter how simple or complicated.