September 2022 Home Gym of the Month

September 2022 Home Gym of the Month 1

The winner for September 2022 is Marc from our website reviews.

I started the home gym due to the temporary closures at Goodlife Fitness over the last couple of years. As well as waiting for squat racks at the gym when it's busy is a hassle. Nobody enjoys waiting in line to work out.

The convenience factor also can't be beaten, it's hard to make excuses for skipping a workout when it's right outside my house in the garage. Fitness goals I mainly want to focus on more in the near term are improving my flexibility and not looking for power numbers or marathon cardio endurance.

I'm just trying to stay relatively fit and healthy. Not following any particular program. I just vary Push / Pull / Legs, 5x a week with different number of reps depending on how I'm feeling that week. Being persistent is more important to me than hitting the bullet points of a particular program.

Utility Power Rack, Tall Rack Lat Pulldown - Row Attachment, Y-Dip, Utility Bar, EZ Curl Bar, FID Bench, Functional Trainer + other misc equipment from BoS and others. I've been looking at 3-in-1 Plyo Box for step-ups.

My favourite fitness hack would probably be using the bar that holds you down when using the Lat pulldown attachment. Mounting that on a lower hole of the Utility rack and using that as leverage with a mat to do Nordic Hamstring Curls.

If you’d like to have your Bells of Steel gym featured, be sure to share and tag us on Instagram, or leave a review on our website with a picture/video for your chance to be featured and get yourself a $100 gift certificate to boot.

Or, if you’re still on the fence about building your dream gym or have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts are ready for any question, no matter how simple or complicated.


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Functional Trainer