December 2020 Home Gym of the Month

december 2020 bells of steel home gym of the month

@a_wblair from Instagram!

Built with the intent to create a space to motivate and crush workouts, I’d say this home gym is a success! Take a gander at this groovy setup and @a_wblair‘s answers to our questionnaire!

If I had a space to workout at home I would no longer be affected by lockdowns during the pandemic. I have lost over 80 lbs. so far and wanted to keep my health and wellness goals on track.


I want to lose the weight I gained back during the first part of the Covid-19 Pandemic and start to define and build more muscle.


I also want to re-certify my Personal Training Specialist so I can train people in my home gym.
For weight lifting I am not currently following a program – suggestions would be awesome. For HIIT Training I actually go to F45 Training – really intense Cardio.



100% the Rack Lat Pulldown / Row Attachment when it is back in stock!


I have two:
· Set Goals: Enter a competition.
· Strength in Community – have an accountability buddy!


If you have someone that works out with you routinely, you have less of a chance of skipping a workout.


If you’d like to have your Bells of Steel gym featured, be sure to share and tag us on Instagram, or leave a review on our website with a picture/video for your chance to be featured and get yourself a $100 gift certificate to boot.

Or if you’re still on the fence about building your dream gym or have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts are ready for any question, no matter how simple or complicated.

Build Your Own Home Gym Now!

Cable Pulley